Construction, cats and sundry family matters.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Small World

Last Thursday, Seb and I returned on a red eye from a conference in Phoenix. We were waiting for our flight from Boston to Ottawa when we spotted Tom Keyserlingk. Tom used to work at QNX. Tom made the mistake of asking about our house and then was subjected to entire photo history of our building project.

Running into Tom reminded me I ran into Seb's aunt and uncle in the passport line at the airport in Paris and then encountered an industry friend in line for the taxi. Both are easy to rationalize, the flight was through Montreal where his relatives live and the reason I was in Paris was for a conference hosted by the company where my friend works. Nevertheless, it was quite a shock to run into people in Paris! And good thing for Ian from Freescale, because he and his colleagues didn't have a Euro between them. They bummed a ride from me so I could pay the driver :-)

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