Construction, cats and sundry family matters.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Did I mention we're building the pool too?

One of my friends recently commented that Seb is a glutton for punishment, I pointed out that Seb chose to marry me, so go figure.... :-)

Seb decided that pools were too expensive and if you can build a house, you can certainly build a pool. "How hard can it be?" has become a mantra in our home.

So, we ordered a pool kit, and trusted the project to our good friend/cousin-in-law John (he who has been understandably less available due to arrival of twins in December but who featured extensively in last summer's work effort). John owns the backhoe that is often pictured on this blog.

The logic on building the pool now is that it's more convenient to do it before we do the septic (which is (theoretically) an imminent project).

Here are some of the pool building shots. You might recognize any of the following people: John, Seb, Seb's Dad Rene, Seb's brother Christophe...

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