Construction, cats and sundry family matters.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mystery Hill Status Report

Yippee! We passed our electrical inspection. Seb did the electrical himself after our electrician bailed on us so this represents quite an accomplishment. That means all the framing, hvac, plumbing and wiring are done so we're getting ready for DRYWALL! This is going to make a huge difference for the interior.

Our siding arrived (recall the Iron Mountain colour dilemna) but the guys haven't started putting it up because they're focused on interior and prepping for the drywallers. But the siding will also make for a significant sign of progress when its done.

We are in the final stages of ordering our kitchen. We're going to work with Carleton Kitchen Creations in Carleton Place. We really like the designer and their product line. The design is almost finalized and we should be ordering shortly.

Seb is also planning to do the septic and dig the swimming pool in August. Cousin Jenny's John (remember foundation and cement work from last summer) will be back on the job and we cant wait to see him. And of course, in true Seb style, we're ordering a pool kit and doing it ourselves. By we, I mean the royal we, the only thing I'm doing is picking the liner. Done. :-)

It is still very uncertain as to getting in by Xmas. But fingers crossed... we'll get there...

Pics to come when there are bigger changes to highlight.

1 comment:

MHG said...

Yay, Linda and Seb. Sounds great. Hey, what's the deal with only monthly blog posts?