Construction, cats and sundry family matters.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Minding the details - The Pot Lights

No pictures at this time because I'm technically challenged. The latest pictures are on my phone, not my camera and I haven't figured out how to get them from the camera to the laptop. Argh.

Building a house. Lesson #1. Pay attention to the details. A few weeks ago, I was reviewing lighting plans with our designer. Seb had summarized the plan in an email. (And let me just say that who thinks about this kind of stuff? You walk into a room, hit a switch, and voila, from darkness to light. Sconces, pots, ceiling mounted, tracks and even floor lights... we have them all! Who knew they made lights that you can set into floors?) So the designer and I are reviewing Seb's doc and we come to a line item: front hall 6" pots, we immediately agree that its a typo. We must have 6 pots, not 6" pots. A quick call confirms that we are, in fact, wrong. Seb has installed 6" pots in our front hall because "they give more light". They're gone now (OBVIOUSLY) and even one of our contractor guys said, "they're kind of 80s, Seb"...

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